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Lc Bookkeeping Services

LC Bookkeeping Services

I offer bookkeeping services locally in the Tyne and Wear area and throughout the UK, giving small companies the flexibility to choose as little or as much of my time as they require to get the job done. With over a decade experience in Accounts, I consider myself to be a good all-rounder with an adaptable and flexible attitude. My business delivers bookkeeping services to small and medium sized businesses in the Tyne and Wear area and throughout the UK, giving companies the flexibility to choose as little or as much of my time as they require to get the job done, which are intended to be cost effective for everyone. I provide a range of services that are tailored to each and every client depending on their requirements Bookkeeping is a time consuming process and takes a considerable amount of time, regardless of how adept you are with technology, manual data input is still required even in this day and age. Allow LC Bookkeeping Services to help you so that you can focus ON your business instead of IN your business.

Areas Covered: Tyne and Wear

Telephone number: 07789797219


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